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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the DAISY Forum of India (DFI)?


DAISY Forum of India is a forum of Not for Profit organizations from India who are involved in production of books and reading materials in accessible formats for persons who cannot read normal print. This forum was constituted in April, 2007.
The DAISY Consortium envisions a world where people with print disabilities have equal access to information and knowledge without delay or additional expense. The DAISY Forum of India endorses this vision and is working towards its realization in India.


2. What is DAISY Consortium?


The DAISY Consortium is an international association that develops, maintains and promotes international DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) Standards. The DAISY Consortium was formed in May, 1996 by talking book libraries to lead the worldwide transition from analog to Digital Talking Books. DAISY denotes the Digital Accessible Information System.
Members of the Consortium actively promote the DAISY Standard for Digital Talking Books. Specifically, the Consortium’s Vision is that all published information is available to people with print disabilities, at the same time and at no greater cost, in an accessible, feature-rich, navigable format.


3. How is the DAISY Forum of India associated with DAISY Consortium?


The DAISY Forum of India is an Associate Member of the DAISY Consortium. There are 20 Full Members of the DAISY Consortium, more than 40 Associate Members, and more than 30 Friends across the world.
Full and Associate Members are non-profit organizations, typically national talking book libraries or national consortia of such libraries.Friends are for-profit organizations including developers of production and/or playback hardware or software.


4. What is the main purpose of the DAISY Forum of India?


There are various organizations in India, which are involved in the production of Braille Books, Talking Books and E-text Books. There are several issues that these organizations have to confront which can be solved only if we all work together. Moreover, transition from analogue to digital technology in production and reading of accessible books needs technical support and sharing of best practices. Thus the DAISY Forum of India has been constituted to work together on these issues and to provide support to each other.


5. What is the Structure of the DAISY Forum of India?


General Body
Designated representatives from Primary and Associate Members, Development Partners and Government Department member organizations constitute the General Body of the DAISY Forum of India.
One representative each from Primary Members and Government Departments constitute the Board. The Board Members would amongst themselves select the following officers: President, 2 Vice Presidents, General Secretary and Joint Secretary. President of the DAISY Forum of India would nominate treasurer for the Forum. The treasurer has to be a member of the organization which is represented by the President.The voting rights will be entirely rest with Primary Members of the Forum.
The Consortium also appoints various Committees for specific tasks/issues.


6. What are the different types of memberships available and the pre-requisites to become a DFI Member?


Primarily, NGOs or Non Profit Organizations can become the member of this Forum. These members would fall in following categories:

  1. Primary Members: Non Profit Charitable Organizations who produce at least 1000 pages in DAISY format annually can become the primary members of the Consortium by paying one time fee of Rs. 1,000/-. These 1000 pages can include any accessible format such as Braille, Talking Book or E-text produced in accordance to DAISY Standards. Organisations with multiple production centres can apply for multiple membership (one per production centre).
  2. Associate Members: Non Profit Charitable Organizations involved in distribution of accessible materials can become the associate members of the Consortium by paying one time fee of Rs. 1,000/-.
  3. Development Partners: Any Organization who wishes to contribute by research and development activities in support of the above proposed Forum may be termed as Development Partners.
  4. Government Departments/Agencies concerned with the issue.
  5. Friends of DFI: Friends of the DFI are primarily commercial companies or enterprises involved in producing and distribution of products for accessible material production and reading. Such companies can become friends of DFI by paying one time fee of Rs. 1,000/-.


7. How can I become a DFI member (procedure)?


If you are a not for profit organization, University or an institution and wish to produce or provide books in Braille, Digital Audio, Large Print or in accessible e-text format to persons who cannot read normal print, then please join the DAISY Forum of India. We would like to work with you to bring books from all over the country to your members.To join DFI and to download the membership registration form


8. What are the benefits if my organization becomes a DFI member?


  • All members join a mailing list where problems and solutions are shared which works as a very effective way of trouble shooting and technical support any time anywhere.
  • Systematic approach of production of reading materials covering all parts of the country
    Training and Technical support
  • Participation in combine projects for production and distribution of accessible books.
  • Becoming a part of worldwide network of libraries and organizations.


9. What are the main activities of the DAISY Forum of India?


  • The Board of the DFI meets four times in a year.
  • A technical conference is organized once in a year.
  • The DFI establishes information exchange mechanism through e-mail discussions, forums and websites besides traditional means of correspondence.
  • The DFI represents the country in international forums such as DAISY Consortium which are constituted for similar goals.
  • The DFI develops action plans for constructive cooperation and collaboration amongst members of the organizations to ensure effective services to end users in all parts of the country.
  • The DFI also adopts standards based on good practices for production and distribution system to ensure quality, content and services.
  • The DFI collaborates with technology development institutions, organizations for appropriate technology development in related fields.
  • Any other actions identified by the Forum Members for furthering the cause of accessible materials production and distribution for persons with print disability.



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